Finale: a natural landscape habitat of biodiversity.

Nowhere else along the Ligurian coast is this “number” as high as in Finale - proof of how precious this small stretch of the Western Ligurian Riviera is in terms of natural beauty.
The limestone plateaus inland of Finale are home to the typical variety of Mediterranean wildlife, ranging from pioneer to climax species.
Nocturnal and diurnal birds of prey play an important part in Finale’s unique biodiversity. As predators at the top of the food chain, their presence within a natural habitat shows that the entire ecosystem is healthy and balanced.
Coastal cliffs and detritic slopes are home to halophytic vegetation, which grows, and even thrives, in saline environments thanks to mucilage-rich cells allowing for efficient water-retention and salt-tolerance.
Seasonal bird migrations are among the most fascinating natural spectacles on the planet. The South-West to North-East migratory route over the Mediterranean is one of the main ones.
Mediterranean plants, Mediterranean scrub, scented herbs; essential oil; resin; foot paths; rue; summer savory; thyme; helichrysum; rosemary; legends
Bats, or Chiroptera, are the only mammals that are capable of flapping flight. Local bat species are nocturnal animals that hunt for mosquitos or small insects, can eat as much as 30 or 40% of their bodyweight and use echolocation to find food.
Finale’s famous free-climbing cliffs are populated by chasmophytes - creepers that grow inside rocky cracks in craggy habitats.
Olive farming in Liguria goes back to ancient times and olive trees feature strongly all over the local landscape. Originally from Asia Minor, olive trees grow on the mild sea-facing slopes of Liguria.